Sorry I've been out of posting for a while, had a few days heavy work. Here's a round up of conditions...
From 'oldstringbag' (UKC)
SAT 28th. In reply to tipsy: We thrashed up an easy gully at Craig Carig Glasiad just north of Story arms, the veg was well frozen but would be better if we had a little more snow. Some melt a freeze is needed to bring this crag into best climbable nic. We drove past Craig Y Llyn on the way home and this looked to be more promising.
SUN 29th. We did a mixed line up the central depression at The Darren above Cwmyoy.We had an early start to avoid the sun which hits the crag by lunch time. It was 1V. We absailed down Son of Koflack which was forming nicly although the afternoon sun is a killer. The most left hand gully will be in by next wkend if nights stay cold.
From Sunday, thanks to Josh Waller
Was up at RAC yesterday, not climbable, still far too much running water. The top section of the last pitch has frozen over nicely, and the bottom of the last ptich it starting to come together. Was about -3 up there at around 2pm. Practised v-threads on a flatish bit of ice rather than actual climbing. We left the hanging stuff how it was to give it a better chance of forming. I think about 2 days, unless it was particularly cold last night.
From Tuesday, thanks to Mike Mitchell (UKC)
Torpantau falls. I was up there today. Conditions are very good. It is formed all the way to the bottom. So good we climbed it Twice. There is twice as much Ice as when I climbed it on 23 Dec last year and its still Nov.